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NetExpress Electronics Co.,Ltd

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flash card
flash card
Specification: Flash cards by sun power
Detail: Flash cards by sun power and flash constantly

ear phone
ear phone
Specification: 9u,6u ear phone
Detail: Ear phone with 9u and 6u specification including Hangable earphones and plug-in earphones, and the line length varies from 1.0m to 1.5m

Specification: ATJ2085, 512M
Detail: The product is built with ATJ2085 solution, the memory is 512M.There are around 10 type of Mp3 in variable shape and the color.

pc camera
pc camera
Specification: 1.3M Camera with 301L chip
Detail: The product is built with 301L chip and the normal picture captured is 640X480pix.We provide 2 glasses and 5 glasses lens seperately.
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